The Art of Organ Leadership of Congregational Song

Accompanying congregational singing is an extraordinary challenge, requiring careful practice and disciplined creativity. The following article outlines many of the musical matters that every organist must consider, along with suggestions for the creative interpretation of the texts that are sung.

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Electronic Keyboards and the Church Musician

Recent technology has generated a wide variety of electronic keyboards available to the church musician. This article defines many of the technical terms that are used to distinguish the varieties of keyboards available and provides guidelines for their use.

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Designing the Organ for Leading Congregational Song

The primary purpose of the church organ is to lead and accompany congregational singing. This article argues that the highest priority in organ design and construction in churches should not be to produce an impressive organ for recitals, but rather to construct an organ to meet the unique needs of congregational singing.

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Instrumental Music in Service to the Text

A wide variety of musical instruments can be used effectively in accompanying hymns and anthems. Creativity in the use of instruments should always seek to reflect and illuminate the text that is sung. The following article gives suggestions for how a variety of instruments can be used to proclaim the text.

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