Acoustical Design for Congregational Singing

Congregational singing can be effectively stymied or greatly encouraged by the acoustical properties of the worship space. Recent trends in church architecture have unfortunately led to the use of more acoustically absorbent materials, which is harmful to this important aspect of worship. The following article provides helpful advice to remedy this problem.

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The Art of Organ Leadership of Congregational Song

Accompanying congregational singing is an extraordinary challenge, requiring careful practice and disciplined creativity. The following article outlines many of the musical matters that every organist must consider, along with suggestions for the creative interpretation of the texts that are sung.

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Planning Traditional Worship

Long-range and short-range planning are essential to worship services characterized by strength, order, and beauty. Pastors and church musicians are responsible for planning, but participation in music during worship should include adult and children’s choirs and the congregation singing hymns, psalms, and anthems together.

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