Make not a hasty nor guilt-driven commitment. Ponder your decision; think upon God’s tender mercies toward you all these years; bear in mind His promise that “Those who hope in Me will not be disappointed” Isaiah 49:23.
Make not a hasty nor guilt-driven commitment. Ponder your decision; think upon God’s tender mercies toward you all these years; bear in mind His promise that “Those who hope in Me will not be disappointed” Isaiah 49:23.
“To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust Him in the dark — that is faith.” C. H. Spurgeon
Do you need forgiveness this day? Perhaps there’s someone you need to forgive — someone waiting for you to release them. Maybe God has been waiting for you to give what you’ve been given so that you can receive what the paralytic (Mark 2) received: healing.
Preparing for the inevitable seems like a great idea to me! Charles Spurgeon, famous for fearlessly preaching the truth regardless of what people thought of it (or him!) once said, “He who does not prepare for death is more than an ordinary fool, he is a madman.”
You stand before God as if you were Christ, because Christ stood before God as if He were you.
“This Bible is God’s Bible; and when I see it, I seem to hear a voice springing up from it, saying ‘I am the Book of God. Man, read me. I am God’s writing. Study my pages, for I was penned by God. Love me, for He is my Author, and you will see Him visible and manifest everywhere.’”
When asked what the most profound thought was he’d ever entertained, a very brilliant (and universally known) theologian responded with “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!” As another “well-known” recently put it: “Success [in God’s economy] is measured not in accomplishments but in faithfulness.”
There is really only one rule to follow when God has not yet answered your earnest prayer: Don’t give up. Be assured that He hears you; He loves you; and, in His perfect timing, He will respond. In the meantime, learn and grow from the challenges you face.
Regardless of our skills, regardless of our lack of confidence, regardless of what other think of us, regardless of the adversity we face; when God stands with us, nothing can stand against us.
Spurgeon and the Metropolitan Tabernacle are synonymous with nineteenth-century evangelicalism and his paraphrased writing continues to sell widely.