प्रार्थना की भाषा

एक प्रार्थना का पाठ केवल एक ही सार्वजनिक प्रार्थना के कार्य में महत्वपूर्ण तत्व है । जिस तरह से एक प्रार्थना की जाती है, उसके साथ आने वाले दृष्टिकोण, और गैर-आदिवासी इशारे जो इसे पूरक करते हैं, अक्सर प्रार्थना के अर्थ के रूप में पाठ के रूप में ही संवाद करते हैं। यह लेख सार्वजनिक…...

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The uSeminary Prior Learning Credit (PLC) Program

Through a special arrangement with Trevecca University’s Center for Worship, uSeminary students who successfully complete three preapproved courses (which will be identified by a red PLC logo) are eligible for one college credit from Trevecca University. Specialty certificates will be treated on a case-by-case basis in terms of the number of PLCs awarded. uSeminary PLCs are designed for students … Read more The uSeminary Prior Learning Credit (PLC) Program

A.C.T. Intl Announces New Coaching Program

The purpose of the A.C.T. Intl coaching sessions is to help our new Ministry Staff develop the foundation on which their Department can build. Larry Moshell, Director of Staff Development, will walk you through a process to help you get your A.C.T. Ministry Department kick-started. Topics covered: Managing Your Department Funds Ministry Foundation – Funding … Read more A.C.T. Intl Announces New Coaching Program

Challenges Facing Worship Renewalists

The renewal of worship in the local church faces major challenges. This article examines some of the obstacles to worship renewal. If one is to facilitate effectively such renewal, he or she should be familiar with the problems that must be isolated and resolved.

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Toward a Biblical Psychology of Worship

The renewal of worship in our era is largely concerned with the restoration of a God-centered focus in Christian celebration. By its very nature, however, the psychology of worship tends to reverse this focus, redirecting our concern to the worshiper and his or her needs. A biblical psychology of worship places the individual within the context of corporate celebration and covenantal responsibility. Worship celebrates the victory of Christ over authorities that place people in bondage. In this setting, the gospel of Christ brings healing and liberation.

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Recovering the Gifts of the Laity

The significance of the release of spiritual gifts for worship has been rediscovered in the contemporary church. It is part of the recovery of the theology of the laity, the “people of God.” Within the worshiping community, each member may contribute to the corporate life and celebration through the expression of his or her particular gift.

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The Lord’s Supper As Covenant Meal

The Lord’s Supper, as instituted by Jesus Christ and elaborated in the Epistles, has its roots in the ancient rite of covenant, a practice that predates Abraham. Indeed, the covenant forms the basic structure of Yahweh’s relationship with Israel and is, for this reason, the underlying motif for the establishment of Christ’s relationship with the new people of God.

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Acts of Receiving in the Lord’s Supper

Several traditional acts of worship accompany the receiving of the Lord’s Supper. Some form of “fraction,” or breaking of the bread, is found in most observances of the rite. In addition, the distribution of the Eucharist may incorporate the Agnus Dei (“Lamb of God”), the acclamation “Christ Our Passover,” and a concluding prayer of thanksgiving.

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Biblical and Early Church Models of the Confession of Sin

In traditional Christian worship, acts of confession of sin may appear in the acts of entrance, the service of the Word, or at the Lord’s Table in association with the prayer of thanksgiving. In the worship of the contemporary liturgical renewal, the confession of sin usually occurs after the prayers of intercession, marking the transition into the service of the Lord’s Table. Prayers of confession are not usually found in the corporate worship of evangelical and charismatic churches; confession of sin is an act that usually accompanies individual conversion to Christ and personal counseling situations, rather than the life of the gathered assembly.

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Biblical and Early Church Models of the Prayers of Intercession

In the religious life of the biblical communities, as in that of the churches of today, prayer was both individual and corporate. Although the biblical worshiper always approaches the Lord as a member of a larger covenanted community, there is a distinction between prayer in general and prayer set in the context of acts of corporate worship. Because prayer is a pervasive posture and activity in the Christian life, the subject of prayer is a comprehensive one; the following discussions are confined largely to prayer as a part of the worship of the gathered community. Prayers of intercession are petitions offered to the Lord on behalf of others: people in special personal need; those who bear particular responsibility for the welfare of others, such as leaders of church and state; the many concerns and issues affecting the church, local and universal; and the larger community of the nation and the world.

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