प्रार्थना की भाषा

एक प्रार्थना का पाठ केवल एक ही सार्वजनिक प्रार्थना के कार्य में महत्वपूर्ण तत्व है । जिस तरह से एक प्रार्थना की जाती है, उसके साथ आने वाले दृष्टिकोण, और गैर-आदिवासी इशारे जो इसे पूरक करते हैं, अक्सर प्रार्थना के अर्थ के रूप में पाठ के रूप में ही संवाद करते हैं। यह लेख सार्वजनिक…...

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A Sample Advent Banner

Since the Scripture readings for Advent are filled with so many images, Advent banners are helpful in portraying their message in a colorful and powerful symbolic way. Always begin preparations for Advent by considering the Scripture lessons that will be read. The following description is one example of a visual image that is based on an appropriate Scripture reading.

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Using Poetry in Worship

As a highly compact form of speech capable of stimulating the imagination, poetry can be effectively used in almost any of the various dimensions or acts of public worship. This article catalogs a variety of ways that poetry can be used in worship and gives guidelines to worship planners for selecting poems and readers.

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Hymns as Poetry in Worship

The most common use of poetry in worship is the singing of poems as hymns. Despite their common use, however, hymn texts are rarely thought of in terms of their poetic qualities. Yet hymn writers are among the finest wordsmiths the church has known. Appreciating their art enriches the experience of all who sing.

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Writing Prayers for Worship

Writing prayers for worship calls for the creativity of a poet, the sensitivity of a pastor, the insight of a theologian, and the foundation of a living relationship with God. Weaving together these concerns, this article gives advice to the worshiper who is given the task of writing prayers for public worship. It suggests an approach that will be accessible for beginners and challenging for experienced worship leaders.

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The Language of Prayer

The text of a prayer is only one element important in the act of public prayer. For the way in which a prayer is spoken, the attitudes that accompany it, and the nonverbal gestures which complement it often communicate as much of the meaning of the prayer as the text itself. This article looks at the whole act of public prayer, offering worship planners pastoral, liturgical, and aesthetic guidelines regarding prayer.

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