How Symbols Speak

Symbols, including liturgical symbols, communicate to us on many levels. This article explores the profound nature of symbolic communication, based on the approach of scholar Paul Ricoeur, and offers suggestions for how liturgical symbols can be made to speak more clearly and profoundly.

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Liturgical Aesthetics

The aesthetic dimensions of Christian worship encompass not only written liturgies and rubrics, but also the ways in which the liturgy is brought to life. This article addresses the rich and varied ways that these aesthetic dimensions are realized, including the liturgical expressions of time and space, the visual and the aural, the cognitive and emotional, the eternal and the culture-bound.

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Prayer Chants

Like the music from Taizé described earlier, prayer chants may be comprised of one textual and musical phrase that is repeated. This kind of chant focuses the attention of the worshiper and allows the worshiper to experience God’s presence without the need to be concerned about the mechanics of the music.

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How to Select a Hymnal

The hymnal that is used in worship is one of the most important elements in shaping the faith and worship of a given congregation. Therefore, great care must be given to selecting the very best hymnal for use in a congregation. The following article describes some of the most important considerations that should be considered when a congregation selects a new hymnal.

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Planning Creative Worship

The communal nature of public worship is shaped and affirmed by liturgy, which is a script of a congregation’s unfolding thought processes, social interaction, and psychological movement. Liturgy proceeds in stages of collective activities that can be both physical (outward) and psychological (inward); it helps a worshiping community gradually move into the presence of God.

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Models of Liturgical Theology

In our pluralistic world, it is often necessary to consider several perspectives to gain a complete picture of a concept or object. Theology has been similarly affected by this multicultural, multidimensional approach. As this article points out, we benefit from studying many different models as we attempt to understand the theology of liturgy.

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Modern Protestant Liturgical Renewal

Liturgical renewal among the ecumenical churches of mainline Protestantism has brought about a widespread consensus in worship style. In the spirit of the Reformation, not only the Scriptures but also the sacraments are being restored to a central position in worship. Protestant congregations are coming to a new appreciation of the importance of symbol and ceremony that allows all members to participate in the act of worship.

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The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship

It is tempting to assume that the worship practices of the earliest churches are reflected in the more developed liturgical traditions that emerged in the fourth century. A resulting view has been that Christian celebration has exhibited essentially the same shape since the apostolic period. This entry challenges that assumption and suggests that the most ancient forms of Christian worship were not uniform but quite diverse.

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Acts of Receiving in the Lord’s Supper

Several traditional acts of worship accompany the receiving of the Lord’s Supper. Some form of “fraction,” or breaking of the bread, is found in most observances of the rite. In addition, the distribution of the Eucharist may incorporate the Agnus Dei (“Lamb of God”), the acclamation “Christ Our Passover,” and a concluding prayer of thanksgiving.

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