Elements of New Testament Worship

Though the New Testament does not give any detailed information on the structure of the first Christian services, it leaves little room for doubt concerning the basic elements of primitive worship: prayer, praise, confession of sin, confession of faith, Scripture reading and preaching, the Lord’s Supper, and the collection. Early descriptions of Christian worship, such as that in Justin’s Apology, reveal a close similarity to the practice of the synagogue. Even without the synagogue model, however, the fundamental elements would surely have found a place, and distinctive Christian features would have their own origin.

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Worship in Acts and the Epistles

The book of Acts and the Epistles reflect continuing involvement of Christians with the institutions of Jewish worship. However, with the Gentile mission and increasing separation from the temple and synagogues, the churches had to develop their own forms of common worship. Even Jewish Christians came under increasing pressure as persistent evangelism aroused the hostility of the ecclesiastical authorities.

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Terms Referring to the Practice of Christian Worship in the New Testament

The New Testament also contains a vocabulary of terms that reflect the worship of the new covenant community, a worship that was anticipated before the formation of the Christian church by the awed and worshipful response of many to the person of Jesus himself and by Jesus’ own worship of the Father.

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The Functions of Music in Worship

Music in worship serves many purposes and manifests itself in a variety of expressions. It is used both to praise God and to proclaim the Word; it both expresses prayer and relates the Gospel story. This article examines the various functions of music in worship and describes their implication for the church musician, who is the leader of the people’s song.

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A Prayer from the Revelation of John

This passage reveals the hymns of praise that will be sung when the great choir of heaven rejoices in God’s judgment against the evil of the world and announces the glorious wedding feast that will take place when the church is presented as the beloved bride of Christ.

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A Prayer from the Revelation of John

First recorded in Exodus 15:1 (and believed to be the oldest song that has been preserved), this hymn-prayer originally celebrated Israel’s freedom from Egypt’s bondage. In heaven it will be sung to honor the infinite and holy glory of the Lord and His victory over the shackles of sin and death.

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