Evangelistic Preaching

Evangelistic preaching aims at producing a response. Specifically, by preaching the gospel and emphasizing the sinful condition of each person, the hearer recognizes the need for repentance and confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

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The Breaking of Bread at the Lord’s Table

The most primitive term for what Christians do at the Lord’s Table is “the breaking of bread” (Acts 2:42). This action in the early Christian assembly recalls how Jesus became present to his disciples in the breaking of bread at Emmaus and in other post-resurrection appearances. The breaking of bread was an occasion of great joy, as the risen Jesus became present to his assembled followers.

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Acts of Receiving in the Lord’s Supper

Several traditional acts of worship accompany the receiving of the Lord’s Supper. Some form of “fraction,” or breaking of the bread, is found in most observances of the rite. In addition, the distribution of the Eucharist may incorporate the Agnus Dei (“Lamb of God”), the acclamation “Christ Our Passover,” and a concluding prayer of thanksgiving.

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The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)

The “Lord’s Prayer” and “Our Father” are traditional names given to the set of petitions and doxologies recorded in Matthew 6:9–13 and Luke 11:2–4, which Jesus gave his disciples as a model or example for prayer. The prayer has been included in the catechisms and liturgies of most Christian traditions since the period of the apostolic fathers, usually in close association with the partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

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Christian Artist or Christian Communicator?

ow does an artist share his faith in a genuine way? How can a singer use her talent as a communicator rather than a performer? Two key elements are a strategic vision and a servant’s heart. First, a strategic vision develops from the artist’s clear idea of the goal that he or she wants to achieve, an idea which then organizes and informs every step toward that goal.

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Sunday Worship in Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches

The father of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Albert Barnes Simpson, possessed a deep love for God and undying concern for lost people that issued in a movement that has, since its origins in 1887, prioritized the personal nature of faith in Jesus Christ.

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